A downloadable game

This is a 2D shooter about a stripper in a zombie apocalypse. The game is written in Python, using the Pygame framework. 

Who is working on the game:

Michael Realperson - game designer, programming, animation

Cyril Unicorn - artist, animation

Vadim Sigaev - composer

kwaidan - voice acting (Ricardo "Boner" Bones)

KatRinRed - voice acting (Denise Patchinghole)

Follow the project (rus):




vsratland.rar 735 MB

Install instructions

Steering / Управление:
WASD - motion (движение)
ЛКМ - shooting (стрельба)
ПКМ - close combat (ближний бой)
E - pay ammunition (купить патроны)
Q - pay life (купить жизни)
C - sit down (присесть )
F - dance / squeeze money from zombies (танцевать / отжимать деньги у зомби)

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